Winner's Circle 2018

December 20, 2018

It was a great crowd tonight for our Christmas episode!!! In the end tonight's winners are πŸ† THE EH! TEAM!!

December 13, 2018

This Thursdays winner after a very competitive game of Trivia is... πŸ† THE IVY LEAGUERS!!!!

December 6, 2018

An absolute great time tonight! Your Winners and highest score yet... πŸ† BEARDS AND BOOBS!!!!

November 15, 2018

Another exciting night of trivia that came down to the all-important wager round!!!!!

Tonight's winners are... πŸ† THE HOSERS!!!!!

November 8, 2018

A good time was had at Oarhouse Bar & Grill! Your winners... πŸ† THE EH! TEAM!!!

November 1, 2018

Our winners from the Nov. 1st game, πŸ† THE EH! TEAM!!